Tuesday, October 13, 2015

3/27/2012 Letter to Myself

Journal entry began with:
Dear Journal,
I have taken my breath and allowed the thoughts to pass. (Talking about the venting I did regarding my relationship at the time from the entry before; not listed here). I am fully aware of the importance to keep a positive mind, and yet on occasion I find reasons to be upset. It’s a good thing and would benefit me to try justifying both sides before taking any actions.
 Toward the end of the journal entry I decided to write myself a letter:
Now is your opportunity to be and do exactly what you have so long desired! Keep your motivation and hunger up! If you slow down, then your portfolio will not be ready until late July. But, if you put your all into it, you will be ready come May! And then a gallery will pick you up and you will prove to everyone that you go after and are worth what you want! You are an amazing, magical being and you can do this!
Money will never be the issue for you because you have opened the floodgates and money comes to you like a magnet! I am looking forward to watching my dreams and wishes unfold right before my eyes.
Thank you God! Thank you so very much!!
This is one of the first entries that I decided to commit to affirmations. As you can see here, I affirm my monetary situation (because that had been something I long struggled with), and I reaffirm my vision. This is something you will see me do over and over again. 

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